- Dette arrangement har allerede funnet sted.
Realize Truth, Enjoy Life, Share What You Know
17. mars 2018 kl. 09:30 - 18. mars 2018 kl. 16:00
NOK 3000Advanced training in Tønsberg with Dicken Bettinger & Natasha Swerdloff:
I samarbeide med flere andre 3P-aktører her i landet har vi gleden av å invitere til et videregående fordypningskurs med Dr. Dicken Bettinger og Natasha Swerdloff – for første gang i Norge.
In this weekend seminar Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Natasha Swerdloff will be sharing their insights and facilitating participants direct experience into the very nature of the 3 Principles.
What is always true can only be realized when we go beyond the limitations of the conceptual mind. Then all together we will explore the meaning of sharing this understanding with others.
The weekend is for people who already have some understanding of the Three Principles, who want to dive more deeply into the heart of the Three Principles, and then be of service to others and to the world.
In this weekend you will learn to:
- Recognize your true self in the universal Principles.
- To experientially know how waking up to the nature of the 3 Principles releases our well-being.
- Spend more time being fully present and engaged in life and love.
- Understand how identification with the conceptual mind leads to suffering.
- Enter the inner space of freedom that lies just beyond the conceptual mind.
- Live gracefully guided by inner knowing and wisdom.
- Enhance your abilities to share the Principles effectively and for impact.
- Help others realize that they can maintain a sense of well-being even during unpleasant experiences.
- See others as expressions of well-being.
Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Natasha Swerdloff are international teachers and trainers of new discoveries in the nature of the human mind and its unlimited potential.
They are also authors of the book, «Coming Home: Uncovering the Foundations of Psychological Well-being» Check it out here: Coming Home
Påmelding og informasjon:
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