- Dette arrangement har allerede funnet sted.
Healthy Mind, Kind Heart, New World
10. mars 2018 kl. 09:30 - 11. mars 2018 kl. 16:00
NOK 2500Åpent semnar med Dicken Bettinger & Natasha Swerdloff:
I samarbeide med flere andre 3P-aktører her i landet har vi gleden av å presentere Dr. Dicken Bettinger og Natasha Swerdloff for første gang i Norge.
In this 2 day public seminar you will learn how each of us can play a part in creating a more peaceful world. There is a new understanding about the limitless nature of the human mind that is offering new possibilities for raising the overall level of well being on an individual, community, and global level.
In this seminar you will be guided toward an experience of:
- Your own inborn capacity for well-being.
- The way the power of thought creates each moment of your feelings and experience from the inside-out.
- Seeing how recognizing the inside-out nature of experience brings you more deeply into the now.
- How resting in the thought-free present moment awakens more love and understanding in your life and in your relationships.
- How bringing more love and understanding into the world helps to raise the overall level of well being of the world.
Please join us in a weekend seminar led by Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Natasha Swerdloff.
This seminar in well-being is appropriate for people of all ages and backgrounds. Well-being is everyone’s birthright.
Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Natasha Swerdloff are international teachers and trainers of new discoveries in the nature of the human mind and its unlimited potential.
They are also authors of the book, “Coming Home: Uncovering the Foundations of Psychological Well-being”
Public Talk: There will also be a public talk on Friday evening, 9 March at 18.00, which is included with the seminar.
Påmelding og informasjon:
Seminar + talk , full price: NOK 3 000
Early bird: 2 500 (before January 8, 2018)
Public talk only: NOK 200
Gå til event-siden for booking og mer informasjon: PÅMELDING